Ten years ago this summer, Finn and I decided to take a leap of faith and purchase this little piece of paradise on the East Coast of Canada. Finn always dreamed of owning land up north and I had dreamt about owning a cottage to share with my family.
In the moment, it seemed like a crazy idea. The house had been condemned for years and it needed A LOT of work. We were also in the middle of renovating our first home back in Ontario (which we bought a year prior) and we were on a vacation to rest our minds, bodies and spirits. However, as the day unravelled we could feel ourselves being guided (through multiple synchronizes from the Universe) to call this spot our own.
Every year getting out to Cape Breton poses some sort of challenge. Whether it be coming out to a bat infestation and having to live in a trailer, driving through blizzards, driving 24 hours with a 3 month old and dog in the back of a Hyundai, flying a dog and small child on a plane for the first time, or this year… deciding to fly our two young babies during a global pandemic.
Regardless of the challenge each year our hearts continue to guide us here; the place that fosters our minds to wonder and our hearts to create. So each year we take one little action step at a time towards bringing our aspirations to life.
This year specifically was a bit tricky. Nothing like a global pandemic to bring up some deep subconscious stories of feeling unworthy while trying to decide whether or not to travel when borders and/or airports are closed. Do we drive? Do we fly? What if we catch Covid-19? Are we putting our babies health at risk for a vacation? Why are we scared? Do we even have reason to be? Are we selfish? Will we get in trouble? What will people think? Are we going out of desperation to just get the hell out of Ontario? These were only some of the irrational ego driven questions that originally consumed me.
After weeks of releasing subconscious blocks through the Heart Freedom Method, combined with hours of stillness and reflections, I was FINALLY able to hear what my heart was saying. I think this time I actually heard her early on in the thought process but my fears have a tendency of high jacking my ability to her sweet little voice.
Alone and then together, Finn and I came to the realization that living in fear was not an option. If we stayed in Ontario we would be miserable because we weren’t going to be where our hearts wanted to be.
We wanted to model to our children what it’s like to live from our hearts even when it’s scary to do so. It’s about being brave, taking risks, living outside your comfort zone, taking accountability for your life. We wanted to dip Lavender’s toes in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time and tell her all about its power to heal and cleanse our hearts and souls. We wanted to watch Rosemary fly a kite and swim in our back lake. We wanted to talk to the mountains. We wanted to continue living. We reminded ourselves that we were worthy of love and that we were safe. We always have been.
After discovering what our hearts were saying (sometimes a challenge on it’s own) we decided to take our first action step forwards and book our flights.
Since that first action step, there were obviously many other action steps to follow in order to get us out here. But by listening to our hearts and putting action towards our intentions we felt completely supported and guided during the process of getting us out here. And because we challenged ourselves and chose to live from our hearts opportunities have been presenting themselves since arriving.
What is your heart asking of you and are you listening to her?