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Welcome To Imaginations In Action
We are a growing community, supporting families in achieving their hearts’ desires. We are here to share our tools, insights and guidance, so others can get from where they are to where they want to go, feeling more fulfilled, joy and grateful. A sacred, loving space where families can feel safe being their most authentic selves, and be celebrated for the magical creators they are.
As spiritual guides, we created this space as a place for evolving families to take accountability for their lives, show them how to feel gratitude for the magnificent life they have already created, and give them full permission to feel worthy to ask for more. True freedom and abundance has no limits!
Act From A Place Of Conscious Intent
And You Will Create A Life Your Heart Desires.
We weren’t born to live this journey all on our own. Sometimes, we need to lean on others to help us get there, and that is okay. Finding the right mentorship relationship is important so that we can feel safe and loved while we grow in love and wisdom.
We are building a community where families have access to tools that foster their ability to feel:
Safe in being self-sufficient,
In control of the lives they are creating,
- And confident in going at a pace that is aligned with their hearts and enjoying each step of the way.
We want to emphasize the importance of slowing down. To take time to rest and relax. So we are able to notice and listen.
There is honest wisdom when we can find this stillness and listen to the deep desires of our hearts.
It is only from this present place of consciousness where we are able to enjoy the subtle, yet significant universal synchonosies and bring our dreams and aspirations into reality.
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Start Creating Your Reality In A Flowing And Free Way
You Are Enough
We live in a world now where sometimes the “expectations” can make us we feel like we have to do “this” in order to “have” “that”, that productivity measures our worth and success, that faster is healthier, that going slow makes you lazy, that you need to depend on systems to survive, that western medicine is the only way. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Create a life you desire and feel free in every aspect of your life (vocation, health, spiritual, finances, relationships, mental, social, environment). Stepping outside your comfort zone, and asking for what you truly want, regardless of the sacrifice, will always lead us to our destiny.
Learn how to listen and act in alignment with your heart
Find inspiration and be willing, ready and able to expand and grow
Find ways to simplify your life and become self sufficient and creative
Slow Down
Create time and space to slow down and find enjoyment
What's On....
Book Launch: Earth's Child
After countless late nights and endless hours of refining, Finn Roche is thrilled to share his beautifully crafted masterpiece with the world.
Through the curious eyes of children, Earth’s Child is a vibrant and enchanting bedtime story that will inspire readers of all ages. It invites you to open your heart and discover a deep sense of gratitude for the simple yet extraordinary wonders of our world.

About Us
Parenthood Is A Humbling Experience...
After having both of our children we quickly learned they were teaching us as much as we were teaching them.
It was a consistent reminder to pull back, slow down, and listen. There were moments when their little souls would speak to us from time to time, especially when fear snuck in, giving us the gentle push to reach outside our comfort zones towards our purpose.
To our egos, this was infuriating many times.
But the only way to continue living was to be honest with the whispers of our hearts and live our truth. We began to explore all areas of our life and evaluate what was working and what wasn’t.
Finn and I started Imaginations in Action after realizing our kids guided us out here to face our fears (leaving the conventional, comfortable life that we lived), to follow our hearts and what we were really being called to do.
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Meet Our Family

Chelsey has always had an equal love for teaching and healing. Whether it was working for the Hamilton School Board for 12 years as an elementary school teacher or running her sacred business, Balance on the side in the evenings.
With her credentials in the Heart Freedom Method, Chelsey specializes in releasing beliefs in the subconscious that no longer serve her clients so they are able to create a life they love, from their heart center.
Chelsey is currently working towards creating authentic experiences for her daughters, continuing to manifest a beautiful life with her husband, and looks forward to guiding like minded individuals who are equally inspired to create a life they love.

Finn has spent the last 15 years acquiring three tickets in the skilled trades, while balancing the responsibilities of a multi-home owner, co-creator, and conscious guide for his two daughters.
It wasn’t until this current next chapter of his journey that he has been able to tap into his love of the outdoors, revitalizing old skills, such as life saving, to create opportunities for his children and the community.
Through several years of intensive inner work and focus, Finn has been able to tap into the desires of his heart and is enjoying bringing these visions to reality. He looks forward to continuing to nudge himself outside his comfort zone, as he knows this is where his destiny lies.

Rosemary & Lavender
These two soul sisters have chosen a journey, where they are able consciously grow in love and wisdom. Since they have arrived they have guided their parents in living outside their comfort zones in order to create experiences that foster their ability to feel connected, free, inspired and grateful.
They are the inspirations of our family’s mission and vision and will continue to challenge and support us so that each of us are living to our highest good. We are so grateful for them choosing us as their guides (the vehicle for their journey) that is organically unraveling one step at a time.
Their curiosities and wonderings inspire us to continue growing, expanding and flourishing.
Hear What Others Say About Us


Danielle Martin

Jenn Cowlin


Susan Carreau

Kurtis Baer

Rob Fairhall

Meghan Crewson