Healing the Body

Healing the Body

Our bodies have the wisdom to heal themselves. In fact, they were perfectly created and designed to do so. However, as we begin to conform to the conventional way of thinking, feeling and behaving (from birth), over time our bodies layer with subconscious blocks that make it harder and harder for our bodies to heal.

By implementing tools and resources to help bring our bodies back to a balance we are creating the most optimal state for true healing to take place. When we think about making action steps towards self healing we want to approach our healing from multiple angles (ie., the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) to help maximize our progress in the healing process.


Learning how to build our family’s immunity and decreasing the inflammation in our bodies through our diet and the use of supplements has been a huge lifestyle shift; the benefits are well worth the inconvenience at times. Through the use of our family nutritionist, she was able to skillfully decipher each of our food sensitivities and intolerances. By eliminating the foods that did not agree with our bodies, each of us noticed significant results to our overall well being. 

Consuming two litres of water a day while being mindful of my daily caffeine intake keeps me energized and replenished.

Implementing a daily exercise routine (through the guidance of my physiotherapist) to help reconstruct and strengthen my core foundational muscles has relieved all of the chronic pain. Seeing my osteopath and chiropractor has been equally important as being in alignment helps promote proper healing.

Sleeping for 8-10  hours each night to helps maximize my healing and overall state of being. Sleep in itself is a spiritual practice. 


A big part of our overall health is directly linked to the condition of our mind as it influences all systems in our body. The way we think alters the way our body responds and/or functions, potentially creating imbalances within the body. Good news is that we can change this imbalance by changing the messages our minds are sending to our bodies through the use of affirmations.

Affirmations are mantras or statements that can be recited to change the way we think and the messages we send to our bodies. You can get creative using affirmations. I write mine on sticky notes and place them in different places around my house (i.e., bathroom mirrors, windows, fridges, bedside tables, car dashboards).

If you really feel committed you could write out your affirmations in your journal, sing them, record them and listen to them etc. Practice your affirmations until you feel it sink into your subconscious… until your heart genuinely believes it.


Did you know that our past memories are stored in our subconscious mind but the emotion to these memories are stored in our bodies? 

When we encounter an experience when we are younger without the wisdom or knowledge to navigate our way through the situation our bodies store the emotion we attach to the memory. 

After this conditioning, we react to future situations in similar ways of when we first experienced them, otherwise known as Pavlov Conditioning. This overtime, creates a belief system in our subconscious mind which further creates inflammation in different parts of our bodies where we hold the past emotion. 

With the daily use of the Heart Freedom Method I am able to revisit times in the past (held in my subconscious) that need love and attention, while balancing my mind and realigning my body.


The power of intention is by far the most profound tool I have more recently learned to discover. I implement it into my daily routine and use it to accelerate my dreams and aspirations. It is especially exceptional when you are trying to heal. 

I usually write my intentions on the new moon which include statements of things that I want. When we include the word gratitude in our statements we are telling the universe we are grateful for “our wants” as if they have already come true. Focus on feelings you want to feel or actions you want to implement (i.e., I am grateful for listening to my heart, I am grateful for playing, I am grateful for trusting in the process of life etc.).

When I read my intentions everyday I feel what I want to feel like and I imagine or visualize what it looks like. I keep these thoughts, feelings and pictures in my awareness as often as possible. You can even create a vision board with pictures and words to help you focus on your goals. 

I ask. I believe. And then I receive.

Permission to Unleash your True Potential

Permission to Unleash your True Potential

Truth. We have been living in a culture that has the tendency of bombarding us with external messages as to what “success should” look like, feel like, sound like, be like. These ideas and unrealistic expectations that are driven by systems and corporations can leave you feeling pretty defeated many times throughout your life. And overtime these skewed messages are internalized and can alter our core belief system (being we are all worthy of love) leaving us blocked and/or limited within our own power. 

Thankfully, we are living in a time where we are seeing more and more systems breaking down as they are no longer sustainable. It only takes a global pandemic to shed some light into our lives and encourages us to really evaluate how we are living and where we are choosing to put our time and energy. The power of this light acts as a contrast, sometimes creating a lot of external and internal struggle. However, these challenges are the gifts that ignite the light within ourselves, motivating us and giving us permission to unleash our true potential and discover our true passion, purpose, dreams, creations and inspirations. 


True success is living a life through your heart and creating a life that you truly desire beneath the fear and expectations we have for ourselves, others and Source. 

In fact, our hearts’ only want two things… 

~to know what are dreams are~

By giving ourselves permission to acknowledge what our dreams and aspirations are we can begin to break down the limiting belief systems we were raised and conditioned with and start living from a place of inspiration. Abundance is limitless. There is more than enough for every living being. In fact, abundance expands the more times we tap into this energy field. Admitting our dreams to ourselves does not however magically make them appear. 

Therefore, our hearts also want us…

~to put action steps towards achieving them~

Living from our heart is the practice of stepping outside of our comfort zone and putting action steps towards our dreams and aspirations to make them our reality. However, it can be overwhelming when our dreams are so big that we don’t see how they are attainable.

Imagine a lego structure completely built and intact (this is your dream). It is important to take one little lego block of an action step at a time when setting your goals. As you take one little baby step at a time towards your dream it is easier to enjoy the process and feel successful at the same time.


I’ve had many clients ask me this question. They want to follow their hearts but they don’t know what she/he sounds like. 

Think of your heart like any other muscle… you have to exercise it to build its strength… and it takes practice.

Start by asking your heart simple questions. Whether it be before you grab that chocolate bar or before you head out for a run, ask yourself, “is this being loving of myself?”

When you are listening for her/his response, keep in mind that your heart has a quiet, soft voice and comes from your chest area. If the answer is loud, pushy and comes from your head area then you know to ask the question again and listen carefully for your heart’s voice instead. 


Think of three areas of your life that you find truly inspiring. After admitting some of your dreams and aspirations this may change what your highest values are. Know that these values can change over times as you grow and heal. 

Write out what you want, how you want to feel and/or how you want to think under each topic. Use present tense when creating your sentences (i.e., I am grateful for listening to my heart and following through with action steps). When we use present tense statements as if what we want is already happening we are setting clear intentions for the universe to deliver our requests.

Use your highest values to help you stay focused when living your day to day life. Use them to help you decide where you put your energy and with whom you spend your time with. If you cannot see how your choices and/or decisions support the values you live by then use this to help guide you to a better option that is more aligned with your heart.

Here’s to the next ten years of wondering, exploring, manifesting and creating on this divine sacred land. How does it get any better than this?

Walking the Walk

Walking the Walk

Ten years ago this summer, Finn and I decided to take a leap of faith and purchase this little piece of paradise on the East Coast of Canada. Finn always dreamed of owning land up north and I had dreamt about owning a cottage to share with my family. 

In the moment, it seemed like a crazy idea. The house had been condemned for years and it needed A LOT of work. We were also in the middle of renovating our first home back in Ontario (which we bought a year prior) and we were on a vacation to rest our minds, bodies and spirits. However, as the day unravelled we could feel ourselves being guided (through multiple synchronizes from the Universe) to call this spot our own. 

Every year getting out to Cape Breton poses some sort of challenge. Whether it be coming out to a bat infestation and having to live in a trailer, driving through blizzards, driving 24 hours with a 3 month old and dog in the back of a Hyundai, flying a dog and small child on a plane for the first time, or this year… deciding to fly our two young babies during a global pandemic. 

Regardless of the challenge each year our hearts continue to guide us here; the place that fosters our minds to wonder and our hearts to create. So each year we take one little action step at a time towards bringing our aspirations to life. 

This year specifically was a bit tricky. Nothing like a global pandemic to bring up some deep subconscious stories of feeling unworthy while trying to decide whether or not to travel when borders and/or airports are closed. Do we drive? Do we fly? What if we catch Covid-19? Are we putting our babies health at risk for a vacation? Why are we scared? Do we even have reason to be? Are we selfish? Will we get in trouble? What will people think? Are we going out of desperation to just get the hell out of Ontario? These were only some of the irrational ego driven questions that originally consumed me. 

After weeks of releasing subconscious blocks through the Heart Freedom Method, combined with hours of stillness and reflections, I was FINALLY able to hear what my heart was saying. I think this time I actually heard her early on in the thought process but my fears have a tendency of high jacking my ability to her sweet little voice. 

Alone and then together, Finn and I came to the realization that living in fear was not an option. If we stayed in Ontario we would be miserable because we weren’t going to be where our hearts wanted to be.

We wanted to model to our children what it’s like to live from our hearts even when it’s scary to do so. It’s about being brave, taking risks, living outside your comfort zone, taking accountability for your life. We wanted to dip Lavender’s toes in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time and tell her all about its power to heal and cleanse our hearts and souls. We wanted to watch Rosemary fly a kite and swim in our back lake. We wanted to talk to the mountains. We wanted to continue living. We reminded ourselves that we were worthy of love and that we were safe. We always have been. 🙂

After discovering what our hearts were saying (sometimes a challenge on it’s own) we decided to take our first action step forwards and book our flights. 

Since that first action step, there were obviously many other action steps to follow in order to get us out here. But by listening to our hearts and putting action towards our intentions we felt completely supported and guided during the process of getting us out here. And because we challenged ourselves and chose to live from our hearts opportunities have been presenting themselves since arriving. 

What is your heart asking of you and are you listening to her?

Making Time For Yourself As A Divine Mother

Making Time For Yourself As A Divine Mother

Like any other mamma goddess I too am learning all over again how to make good use of and be creative with my time with now having two little munchkins in our journey. However, mother or not learning how to create time for ourselves takes a conscious effort and a bit of discipline. 😉

It’s definitely not always easy and there are many moments, hours, sometimes days where I feel like I am losing parts of myself. However, with time I am learning to find gratitude in the moments of challenge as well as the moments of support and see that they both serve me to where I am being guided. I am constantly having to remind myself that the moments of struggle are short lived and are usually the triggers that motivate me to do my inner work, bringing me back to a place of balance where I am better able to honour myself, worth and time. 

Whether I am having a day where I feel rejuvenated and grounded or a day when I feel tired and off centred, my intention is to utilize the space I do have in ways that will help raise my vibration so that I feel inspired to show up as a loving self, partner and mother. If we are able to identify and assess how we are feeling in the moment then we can better choose the appropriate action step that will help re-ground and centre ourselves. Through trial and error we grow an awareness and learn the action steps that make us feel depleted versus the ones that make us feel fulfilled.



On days when you are feeling challenged it can feel especially difficult to achieve what we “want” to. Drop those expectations and find something simple that will make you feel loved and purposeful. We always want to build to success. Make your goals attainable so you feel confident and proud at the end of the day. Take a shower, shave, blow dry your hair, eat a healthy snack, etc. Remember to celebrate these small victories along the way. You are worthy.



Every individual is worthy of love and is therefore worthy of having a space to call their “own”. It can be a cushion on the floor in a corner of any room in the house. A place where you can go to reflect, re-group, meditate, release, feel gratitude, feel grief, whatever feels right to you in the moment. Decorate the area with items that make you feel loved and inspired.  


Sometimes we have a hard time committing to ourselves unless we have “scheduled in” time for ourselves. Get your partner on board and put your time on the calendar (even if it’s for 10 minutes). As your confident grows schedule in some sort of a treatment once a month to help foster the alignment of your mind, body and soul. Some treatments could include: osteopathy, reiki, recconective healing, body talk, massage, etc. 


Even if it’s for 5 minutes… making space to sit in stillness and/or stretch your body does a mind, body and soul wonders. You don’t even necessarily need to know what you are doing. The fact that you are making the conscious time for yourself will make you feel supported.  


Using your feelings to help you navigate your journey and where you are being guided strengthens our awareness and expands our consciousness. There are many moments where our girls see me bawling my eyes out and hear me describing how I am feeling. This not only models to our children that it is safe to feel what they feel but it also helps them build their schema of feelings so they can better articulate their feelings as they ride their own waves. Not to mention it allows us to better support them as their guides when they can articulate their feelings so effectively. Further, by allowing ourselves to feel the depth of our feelings we are cleansing our consciousness of blocks that otherwise layer when we don’t give ourselves permission to feel everything.  


There isn’t anyone else on the planet who can love you like you can. Find moments to send yourself loving messages and pay attention to how you speak to yourself when moments are hard. When you feel like you are on top of the world, go a step further and tell yourself how proud you are of yourself. When the challenges arise, show yourself self-compassion and speak to yourself as if you were talking to your best friend. When we are triggered by our challenges these are just subconscious stories that have not been released. Give yourself kudos for your perseverance and remind yourself that these challenges are helping you grow.  


There is nothing freer than tapping into this side of ourselves. Embrace play, create something new, sing, dance, read an audible book, have a bath, light a candle, sage the house, put on the diffuser with your favourite essential oil, and/or express your sensuality to help raise your vibration and thrive.  


It’s so easy to find ourselves comparing ourselves to others when we are struggling and even when we are thriving. Trust that you are in the right moment at the right time and enjoy the experiences that surround you. Breathe into these moments and bring your senses to life. What do you see, smell, hear, feel, taste in this segment of time?  


I am a firm believer in making time to do your inner work as many times things that trigger us are just blocks in our subconscious from when we were younger. When we free ourselves and balance these experiences with gratitude we are better able to flow with life. We learn to hear what our heart wants and then put action steps towards making them our reality. Deciding to sign on with my coach not only helps me stay focussed on my life goals but it also supports me when I veer off track. My own life transformations inspired me to want to coach others to learn how to live from their hearts as well. Through my coaching sessions and packages I am so grateful to see my clients thrive at their inner and outer game, living a life they desire. 

If the kiddos are around and you can’t find alone time… 


Let’s be honest, there are many days where our kiddies are demanding every ounce of our time. During these moments, get your kids involved and show them what taking care of yourself truly looks like. It’s not always ideal but it will help replenish you until you are able to have that alone time. 


When we are able to be present and sink into the joy of our children we create more joy and gratitude in our hearts! Sometimes our minds can be busy racing that we often forget to slow down and take the moments to enjoy the process of life. When in doubt find opportunities to rest and relax into the small joys around you.


Walk barefoot in the grass, hug a tree or surround yourself with trees and/or water. Nature always does a body good! 


During transitions and/or when you need to create space show your kiddos the importance of taking deep breaths and even counting to ten. This gives them time to process and you time to recenter.